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来源:https://www.sddhfjx.com/ 日期:2022-07-20
The influence of the structural characteristics of cold recycling machinery on the mixing uniformity and gradation of recycled materials is very important. As two core types of milling machines and mixers, asphalt pavement in situ cold recycling machine and cold milling machine have the same root, and the application of homologous technology and equipment has the same technical foundation, but the development direction is different.
The cold regeneration lease is the regeneration drum of the machine manufacturing machine, and the milling working device of the cold milling machine is the milling drum. Both are driven by the rotation of the rotor, so that the cutting road surface can be moved in - however, the in-situ cold circulation is more likely. The layout of the milling machine on the regeneration cylinder adjusts the particle size of the recycled asphalt mixture, ensuring the complete mixing of the recycled asphalt mixture. It is assumed that the space formed between the outer edge of the drum and the end of the milling machine is reasonable enough to ensure the uniformity and final classification of recycled materials during secondary milling.
The recycling and utilization of asphalt ramp of cold recycling machinery can be roughly divided into five types: plant mixed hot recycling, plant mixed cold recycling, local geothermal recycling, local cold recycling and full thickness local cold recycling. They have their own advantages. Suitable full thickness in-situ cold recycling lease for various occupational diseases refers to the comprehensive recycling process of continuously milling, grinding, adding new materials, mixing, distributing and compacting old and new materials, creating a new foundation. Generally speaking, the depth of recycling treatment is 15-750px, and the depth is 30-1250px.
Make full use of old pavement bricks, reduce the costs of excavation, transportation, garbage disposal, new material procurement and other costs of pavement materials in the process of road maintenance, and reduce the cost of cold recycling lease. In general, the cost can be 20% - 40%. The smaller the thickness, the more cost can be reduced. For important materials: cement, water, a small amount of new aggregate, lime (early solid), etc., using cement as a binder is a practical, cheap, fast and mature technology similar to semi-rigid base.
The above is a detailed introduction about the rental of cold regenerator, which I hope will help you. If you have any questions, please contact us. We will provide services for you with a professional attitude https://www.sddhfjx.com
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