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来源:https://www.sddhfjx.com/ 日期:2024-05-17

  一、 冷再生机械和路拌机的工作原理不同

1、 The working principles of cold recycling machinery and road mixer are different


Cold recycling machinery is widely used in the repair and renovation of highway pavements by crushing old road surfaces that have been demolished and mixing them with a certain proportion of fresh materials before laying them in situ. The road mixer is used to mix various types of raw materials, generate a mixture suitable for highway engineering, and then lay the mixture on the road surface.

  二、 冷再生机械和路拌机的适用范围有所不同

2、 The application scope of cold recycling machinery and road mixer is different


Cold recycling machinery is mainly used for the regeneration and renovation of old road surfaces, and is suitable for large-scale road repair and renovation. The road mixer is suitable for mixing various types and proportions of mixtures to meet the different needs of highway engineering.

  三、 使用方法也有所差异

3、 There are also differences in usage methods



The operation of cold recycling machinery is relatively simple, mainly by crushing the old road surface, mixing it, and then re laying it. The road mixer, on the other hand, needs to go through advanced metering, mixing, and conveying processes to complete mixing before laying.

  四、 功能有所区别

4、 Different functions


Cold recycling machinery mainly crushes and mixes old road surfaces before laying, while road mixers can mix various materials as needed, such as asphalt concrete, cement concrete, crushed stone, etc.


In summary, although cold recycling machinery and road mixer are commonly used mechanical equipment in highway construction, there are certain differences in their working principles, scope of application, usage methods, and functions. Being familiar with the differences between these two types of machines can help to better choose and use them, improving the efficiency and quality of highway construction.

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This article is carefully provided by Cold Recycling Machine Rental. If you want to learn more, please click on our website: http://www.tclqgc.com We will answer you with the greatest enthusiasm

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